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Here to Hear You

Health & Wellness Social Video
Bronze Telly Award

Mental Health Awareness
Sabre Award Finalist


Fresh Ideas

In partnership with the Cook County Department of Public Health, FCG took a very sensitive subject and executed an integrated strategy utilizing a robust marketing mix of radio, digital, and social media across owned and paid channels to normalize the mental health conversation.


Leadership in Multicultural

In Black and Latino communities, the struggle with mental health concerns is real. We ensured that all programming was culturally relevant and competent to appropriately humanize mental health challenges and direct individuals to services that promote mental health well-being.


Optimal Engagement

We positioned program spokespeople as SMEs and sought new spaces to share content and host relevant discussions such as podcasts. We also developed a custom content series that encouraged “real talk” surrounding mental health well-being. We further targeted community engagement with interactive and approachable activations at hyperlocal community events touching the demo where they live and play.


Winning Outcomes

Over the course of the Here to Hear You campaign, the Cook County Department of Public Health was able to provide vital mental health information to those looking for it across multiple channels. All digital and social media tactics delivered click-through-rates (CTRs) much higher than platform benchmarks. The combination of radio DJs and LGBTQ+ podcasts generated the highest engagement rates.

Real Talk | Hear 2 Hear U: Latino

Real Talk | Hear 2 Hear U: African American